Our speech-language pathologists help children become successful communicators and independent language learners by tailoring our program to fit each child’s needs.
We are specifically focused on treating communication and/or functional feeding impairments and providing evaluation, treatment and consultation in the following areas:
- Expressive language skills
- Receptive language skills
- Articulation
- Social skills
- Apraxia
- Fluency
- Oral motor skills
- Feeding and swallowing
- Dysarthria
- Disorders of voice
- Pragmatics
- Augmentative and alternative communication skills
Your child may benefit from, or be referred for, speech-language therapy services if they display delays or challenges with any of the following:
- Speech delays (articulation, fluency or voice control) such as multiple errors or not understandable by age 3, lack of vocalization by 6 months, not recognizing objects in pictures by age 2, nonverbal or single word utterances only by age 2 1/2, and drooling beyond age 4
- Stuttering
- Vocal regulation
- Putting words into sentences
- Telling a story with a beginning, middle and end
- Social skills related to interacting with peers, making and keeping friends
- Appropriately playing with toys
- Blowing bubbles or whistling
Contact us to learn more about our speech-language therapy services.