Our physical therapy team specializes in working with children who have a wide range of diagnoses, medical complexities, cognitive challenges and developmental delays. Physical therapy uses individualized exercises, strategies, technology and activities with the goal of promoting and improving gross motor skills. Our physical therapists can also assist with assessing, fitting and ordering orthotics, standers, walkers, gait trainers and wheelchairs.
Areas of evaluation, treatment and consultation include:
- Gross motor development
- Muscle tone, strength and flexibility
- Posture/postural control
- Pre-gait and gait training
- Locomotion patterns
- Coordination, balance and motor planning
- Neuromuscular function
- Endurance
- Body alignment
- Environmental adaptations
- Wheelchair positioning and mobility
- Splinting/bracing/orthotics
Your child may benefit from, or be referred for, physical therapy services if they display delays or challenges with any of the following:
- Delayed (more than six months) in reaching developmental milestones
- Poor posture/postural control
- General or targeted muscle weakness
- Limited endurance for physical activity
- Functional limitations affecting walking, balance and/or coordination
- Difficulty learning new gross motor tasks
- Changes in physical function due to an injury or surgery
- Difficulty with basic movement
- Sports or orthopedic condition or injury
- Neurological condition or processing disorder that affects gross motor development
- A need for adaptive equipment
Contact us to learn more about our physical therapy services.